Boating with a four legged crew member
If you have a four legged family member like I do, you probably want them to enjoy boating or sailing as much as you do. Sometimes this can be a challenging thing. This is my third dog that I’ve had out boating with me and it hasn’t always been this easy.
A lot of it is just going to depend on the dogs breed and personality. Some dogs are just more prone to liking the water and adventure but hopefully some of these tips with help you and your dog enjoy boating together.
Safety first
Be sure to get them a properly fitted PFD. Even if they can swim, it will provide both you and them with a bit of comfort. Many dogs find having a snug PFD on to be calming similar to the thunder jackets or calming shirts that, through compression, can help calm an anxious dog. Plus a PFD with a good set of handles on the top will help with getting them back on board if they were to fall off the boat.
Have a plan for how to get them back on board
There are several dog reboarding products on the market or if you’re a DIY’er you can rig something up.
Introduce them to it early
The earlier in life that you can introduce them to the water and being on a boat the better. With my first dog, she didn’t experience being on the water until midlife so it was pretty scary for her and she never quite took to it. Where as my current pooch, whom I adopted at age 2, I got her swimming and on the water as soon as possible.
Slow and controlled
Gradual and positive experiences. Of course there is a lot that just depends on the dog and their personality but if you can start off with a gradual introduction it should help set you both on the right course. Just walking on the dock can be scary for some dogs, so maybe start with that. Then being on the boat at dock a few times before heading out on the water.
Positive reinforcement
Make sure to provide lots of positive reinforcement and create a positive environment for each new experience. Ensure a calm environment until they are comfortable with the dock, the boat, the water - whatever it is you’re introducing them to.
I hope some of this is helpful to other dog and sailing lovers out there. Have patience and happy sailing!