Officer of the Day
Officer of the Day FAQ
Every day of the year a member is assigned the role of Officer of the Day, otherwise known as “OD”. The role of the OD is to ensure that things are in order at the club, assist visitors and report any issues to the appropriate person.
Check the schedule using the “OD shcedule” button up top. The schedule is based on your member number. Typically you can expect to be assigned the role of OD about 3 times per year. Check the OD schedule to see when it will be your turn.
If you are unable to do your scheduled OD it is your responsibility to find someone to do it for you. Missed ODs will be charged a fee by the Harbourmaster. Talk to your dock neighbours or the club’s Facebook Group is a great spot to look for someone to trade with.
If there is bad weather, a personal emergency or something else that comes up last minute and you're not able to do your OD shift, email the Harbour Master and provide the reason for missing your OD.
Check in and out using the OD log book located in the sailors lounge. This is also where you will note anything that you find during your shift.
The hours and duties of the OD vary depending on whether we are in-season or out-of-season. Duties and hours are divided out by Summer, Fall and Winter. See below for more details.
Report any issues on the premise to the Rear Commodore (ie. problem with gate, bubbling system, safety equipment, etc.)
Report any issues to do with visitors to the Fleet Captain and Harbourmaster (ie. a vessel tied up that has overstayed the 3 nights, or is not from a reciprocal club)
OD hours & duties
Summer OD
See OD schedule for exact dates
Weekdays 6pm-9pm
Weekends & holidays
AM 9am-3pm
PM 3pm-9pmDuties:
- Monitor VHF channel 68 for visitors and vessels needing assistance. The clubs’ handheld is located in the sailors lounge.
- The flags (Canada, US, Ontario) need to be raised at the start of the day and lowered at the end. Flags are stored in the box on the wall in the main hallway across from the women’s washroom. Positions are indicated on the pole.
- Check visitors log book located in the main hallway for visiting vessels.
- Walk the docks looking for any vessels that may need the owners attention and notify the member. If it is urgent, rectify it if you are able to do so.
- Take note of any visiting vessels at the docks that have not checked in and ask them to do so.
- Check safety equipment including fire extinguishers on docks.
- Check pump out and service dock. Mast crane control box should be locked when not in use. Pump out oil reservoir should be full. Fill it if it is not. Red oil can is in the box above the reservoir.
- Ensure the club work boat is secure and bail out any water.
- Check for general tidiness around and inside the clubhouse. Take out any full garbages.
- If there are any issues with the safety equipment, pump out, mast crane, work boat, main gate or anything else on the premises - notify the Rear Commodore.
- As a courtesy to the next OD, call them to remind them of their shift. Information is in the OD book.
- At the end of the day - ensure that the clubhouse and workshop doors are locked. An exception during the in-season is that the north door is left closed but unlocked so that visitors will have access to the washrooms and kitchen. But the doors to the lobby from the hallway and sailors lounge should be closed and locked.
- Sign the OD book
Spring and Fall OD
See OD Schedule for exact dates
Weekdays any 2 hours between 4pm-7pm
Weekends & holidays
AM any 2 hours between 9am-1pm
PM any 2 hours between 3pm-7pmDuties:
Winter OD
See OD Schedule for exact dates
No specific hour requirements so long as you visit the club and complete your duties.
- Do not walk the docks in the winter due to the risk of falling into freezing water.
- From shore, look to ensure the bubbling system is working. There should be water, not ice, around the pilings of the docks.
- Walk the yard looking for any boats that may need attention and notify the member (ie. tarp has blown off)
- Unplug any unattended boats. Vessels are not to be plugged in while unattended in the winter due to fire hazard.
- Ensure all clubhouse doors are locked
- Ensure workshop doors are locked
- Check that the bubbler system is working. The pump is located on the north side of the clubhouse on the deck (looks like a big box table) You should hear it running. Also if you look out at the docks you should see water movement around each of the pilings. If not - contact the Rear Commodore right away.