Events at Highland Yacht Club
Highland Yacht Club Social Calendar
It’s hard to say what constitutes the highlight of Highland’s social calendar. That’s because the offerings are so varied and distinct. From the on water celebration of Sail Past which kicks off the boating season, to the Commodore’s Bash, Christmas kids’ party and toy drive, the many themed and costumed parties that occur almost monthly all the yearlong, weekly darts nights, and many more impromptu gatherings – Highland loves to come together and play. And why not? We have a shared passion for boating, a beautiful location, and many good friends among us both old and new.
Games Night: Darts, Cards and other Games, every Thursday night 7:30pm-9:30pm
Come out to HYC there’s darts and card games happening, or just come to hang out and catch up with fellow members.

End of the Cruising Season PotLuck Desserts and Information Party
Don’t miss the last cruising gathering of 2025. Photos from the season and tales of adventures over the summer are sure to entertain. We may even reveal the cruising season for 2026!

2025 HYC Commodore's New Year's Levee
The 2024 Commodore's New Years Levee will be held at our club on Wednesday January 1st from 1 pm to 4 pm.
Join your fellow club members at HYC to welcome in the new year at the Commodore’s Levee. The bar will be open for a little hair of the dog, eats and treats will be served.

HYC Kid's Holiday Party
Cookie decorating, loot bags for each child, Santa visit, and crafts

HYC Ugly Holiday Sweater Party
Trim the tree, decorate the Great Hall, bar is open, bring snacks or sweets, music, best/worst ugly sweater, please bring an unwrapped children's gift to donate locally, shoot the breeze

HYC Town Hall
On Sept 27th, Friday at 7:00pm there will be a Town Hall at the club. Those of the Board that can attend, as will some from Review will be in attendance to hear from you. The treasurer will be presenting the finances from Q1 - Q3 and any updates he has. As you may be aware, an ad-hoc Joint member committee has brought forward a proposal to have Highland formally recognise at least 2 members per-membership number. This proposal has been agreed to in principle by the Board, and final wording for updates to the By-laws and Articles is being crafted. If you have questions about the Joint Member initiative, please feel free to come and ask.
There will also be a brief presentation on the developing Strategic Plan, and the movement of the elections of our elected committees (aside from the Board) to our February meeting.

Commodore's Bash
Join HYC Commodore, Steve Masson, and your fellow HYC members to celebrate at the Commodore's Bash with friends and family. You don't want to miss out - this is the last big event at HYC for the 2024 boating season.
Schedule for the evening:
5pm-6:30pm Bar and Appies
6:30pm-7:30pm Dinner* - See the great dinner options below!
7:30pm-11:00pm HYC awards followed by music and dancing
Whether you want to purchase dinner tickets or not, please sign up.

HYC New Member Get-Together
The New Member Get-together will be held at our club on Friday August 23, 2024 from 7 pm to 10 pm.
We welcome everyone to this event to welcome our new members to the club. Apps will be provided and the bar will be open. New members will be giving out drink tickets.