Explore Lake Ontario and beyond
Reciprocal Cruising
Members of Highland Yacht Club enjoy reciprocal privileges at all the most popular destinations around Lake Ontario and into the St. Lawrence River. So get out and explore! With the reciprocal privileges members get to visit and dock overnight at other yacht clubs around the lake. Each club has their own policy surrounding reciprocals but we’ve got this handy interactive map to help you discover where to go and what to expect.
Club Cruise Schedule 2025
Our Cruise Directors organize a full schedule of group club cruises through the season. On these cruises a group of boats from our club swaps places with a group of boats from the other club. It’s a fun way to visit new places with the fun of sailing in a group. Sign up emails go out to HYC members a few weeks before each cruise.

Mimico cruise
Always a favourite destination for HYC members. Take in a drink and a meal on the patio at their restaurant or go for a nice walk along the trails of Humber Bay Park.

Commodore's Cruise to Lakeshore Yacht Club
Join us for our annual Commodore’s Cruise… this year, at Lake Shore Yacht Club. It will be a lively weekend with a special dinner and of course, the Commodore’s quiz! If you cannot come by water, then join us via land!

Port Credit Yacht Club Cruise
A popular long weekend cruise to the west side of the city. You’ll get to see planes flying overhead putting on a show since this is the air show weekend at the CNE. This is a great family cruise where you can enjoy the swimming pool and grounds at PCYC

Cruising Pot Luck Dessert Party
Don’t miss the last cruising gathering of 2025. Photos from the season and tales of adventures over the summer are sure to entertain. We may even reveal the cruising season for 2026!

WYC "die hard" cruise
This annual cruise is for those that want to get one more cruise in before the season is out. Although it has be dubbed the “die hard” cruise, the last number of years it has proven to have wonderful weather and great sailing conditions.

50 Point YC
This is a favourite spot among many HYC members. The club is approximately 33 nautical miles WSW of HYC and located within a Hamilton Conservation Area Park. It should be a relaxing and fun weekend in a beautiful setting.

Frenchman's Bay
Frenchman’s Bay Yacht Club is only 9 miles from HYC and an ideal sail for those of us who are looking for a shorter travel distance. We hope that some of our newer members will join us for a weekend of friendship and feasting.

Enjoy a sail across Lake Ontario to Wilson New York for our cruise to Tuscarora Yacht Club. Enjoy a weekend away from the bustle of the city in this relaxing vacation spot. This is sure to be a great cruise and is always popular.

Shakedown Cruise to HYC
Join us for the second annual cruise to and from HYC. It is a great opportunity to get out on the water and give your boat a shakedown sail, making sure it is ready for Sailpast and the season ahead. We'll head out on the water as a group with a loose sail plan depending on the wind and weather, followed by an appetizer potluck social back at the club.

THSC cruise
A short cruise to Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club just 5.5nm west of Highland.

HCYC Cruise
A great short cruise over the Centre Island. This is an excellent opportunity to explore the Toronto Islands, Centreville and great views of the city skyline.

WYC cruise
Cruise to Whitby Yacht Club for the weekend. Just 15nm east of Highland this makes for an excellent trip.

Shakedown cruise to HYC
That’s right! We’re cruising to our own club. This is a fun way to get out on the water and make sure everything is working well. We’ll go out as a group for a 2 hour sail and return back to HYC and have a get together similar to what you’d expect on our cruises. More info to come.