The following conditions apply to appointing a Proxy:
Proxies are to be assigned to another Senior Member, your spouse, or such other family by completing the Form at link below.
Deadline for submission is 48 hours prior to time of member meeting.
Proxy is dedicated to a specific meeting.
No individual can hold more than one proxy.
Upon receipt of this proxy designation, the Secretary will verify that involved parties meet HYC requirements. In case you change your mind or find that you are able to attend the meeting this form can be used to REVOKE your proxyholder.
Prior to completing Proxy Form at link below, please make sure your designated proxyholder:
Is not already a proxy holder for another Member
Will be attending the meeting
Is aware of your voting intentions for the Motions identified on Proxy Form.
Proxy form
Please note:
A Member, eligible to vote, who is unable to attend an HYC member meeting may submit an online Proxy Form to the HYC Secretary advising that they would like to vote by proxy at an upcoming meeting. The completed online form will be automatically forwarded to the HYC Secretary, yourself and your designated proxyholder.